• Cosplay

    Anime Expo 2018: Days 1 & 2

    Anime Expo week is always a whirlwind of last-minute cosplay repairs and exhaustion walking the halls of the convention center with little sleep, but this year seems particularly grueling. The Wing Gundam suit is turning out to be our toughest Gundam to bring to ‘con, and it’s been an uphill battle getting it to work as intended. The last build…

  • Animu,  Cosplay,  Life

    Anime Expo 2017: Day 4

    The promised wind-down day finally arrived, and while some parts of this ‘con felt painfully grueling, Day 4 came and went nearly in the blink of an eye. All the halls close earlier and the crowds grow thinner, with less cosplayers and events sprinkled throughout the day.

  • Animu,  Cosplay,  Life

    Anime Expo 2017: Day 3

      We’ve finally gotten our groove down in terms of operational time, three days into the Expo. Day 2 was grueling for how early we arrived and how late we stayed, and we had no idea what we were doing as the armor fell apart during Day 1. Day 3 proved to be the most enjoyable so far probably because…

  • Animu,  Code Geass

    Robot Damashii Lancelot

    I once owned the 1/35 Lancelot model kit from Bandai, but have since sold it, therefore being deprived of everyone’s favorite titular Knightmare Frame from Code Geass. The Robot Damashii release brought a fresh update to the mech design, and wasn’t short on included figure features and accessories. My one gripe with these Robot Spirits figures is how overpriced they…

  • Animu,  Code Geass

    Robot Damashii Mordred

    I always told myself that I would never succumb to paying the crazy premium prices for Exclusive and Limited Release Robot Damashii figures. I thought I’d be pretty well sated with just the regular release line-up – I consider myself a die-hard Code Geass fan, but I don’t think I’d be too down to shell out over $100 for a…